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Neighborhoods in Humble, TX

Neighborhoods near Humble, Texas by Cavazos Realty by distance with a map and history.

neighborhoods near humble tx

Our list of neighborhoods in Humble, Texas

Within 5 miles of Humble

  • Timberland Acres
  • Bordersville
  • Dunnam
  • Harmaston
  • Porter
  • Dogwood Acres

Within 10 miles of Humble

  • Walden Woods
  • Hidden Echo
  • River Terrace
  • Victor
  • Huffman
  • Parkwood Estates
  • New Caney
  • Kinwood
  • Dyersdale

History of Humble

Humble began as a boomtown in the early 1900s, when oil was first discovered there. The first crude came out of Humbles’ fields two years after its famous Spindletop find, and by 1905 it had become Texas’ biggest producing area for this essential commodity! (source:,_Texas)

Searching for homes in Humble?

Please let our real estate agents know if you are looking for property in Humble, TX. We’re here to help and can provide more insights and market data if wanted.